Class Struggle Unionism

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"For those who want to build a fighting labor movement, there are many questions to answer. How to relate to the union establishment which often does not want to fight? Whether to work in the rank and file of unions or staff jobs? How much to prioritize broader class demands versus shop floor struggle? How to relate to foundation-funded worker centers and alternative union efforts? And most critically, how can we revive militancy and union power in the face of corporate power and a legal system set up against us? Class struggle unionism is the belief that our union struggle exists within a larger struggle between an exploiting billionaire class and the working class which actually produces the goods and services in society. Class struggle unionism looks at the employment transaction as inherently exploitative. While workers create all wealth in society, the outcome of the wage employment transaction is to separate workers from that wealth and create the billionaire class. From that simple proposition flows a powerful and radical form of unionism. Historically, class struggle unionists placed their workplace fights squarely within this larger fight between workers and the owning class. Viewing unionism in this way produces a particular type of unionism which both fights for broader class issues but is also rooted in workplace-based militancy. An essential primer for rebuilding a militant labor movement centered on solidarity with all workers." 
Biblio Notes
ch. 1 Shop Floor Economics -- How Are Billionaires Created? -- The Separation of Workers from Wealth -- Class Struggle -- ch. 2 Class Struggle Union Ideas -- Class Struggle Unionism versus Business Unionism Them and Us -- The Working Class Shall Free Itself -- The Labor Bureaucracy and Class Struggle -- Fight for the Shop Floor -- Class Stand -- ch. 3 Beyond Labor Liberalism -- Labor Liberalism Defined -- The Difficulties in Critiquing Labor Liberalism -- Labor Liberalism versus Class Struggle Unionism -- Labor Liberalism Compared with Class Struggle Unionism -- Sharp Class Struggle -- Working-Class Control -- The Shop Floor -- Class Stand -- ch. 4 Class Struggle Unionists -- Fight for the Entire Working Class -- Antiracism -- Class Struggle Unionism Puts -- Fighting Racism at the Forefront -- Class Struggle Unionism Fights Gender Discrimination -- Class Struggle Unionism Is True Social Unionism -- Class Struggle Internationalism The Struggle for Immigrant Rights -- Class Struggle Politics -- ch. 5 Class Struggle Tactics -- How to Win Strikes -- 1. Stopping the Input of Goods or Services -- 2. Stopping the Work Process -- 3. Preventing the Distribution of Goods and Services -- The Power of Solidarity -- Reestablishing Militancy Injunctions and State Power -- Confronting Injunctions -- The Importance of Escalation -- ch. 6 Class Struggle Organizing, Rank-and-File Unionism, and the Militant Minority -- Putting the Labor Movement on a Class Struggle Basis -- Class Struggle Organizing and the Militant Minority -- Labor Liberal Organizing Key Questions for Class Struggle Unionists -- Getting Better Leaders -- Creating New Organizations versus Transforming Existing Unions Workers' Centers -- Rank-and-File versus Staff fobs Beyond Trade Unionism -- ch. 7 Class Struggle Strategy -- Building Class Struggle Tactics -- Building a Class Struggle Trend -- Put No Demands, Expect Nothing.  
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