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  Title Copies
Tin Men 
Working for Democracy 
San Francisco Reds: Communists in the Bay Area, 1919-1958 
Edition: 1st edition 
Year: 2024 
ISBN: 0252087933 
ISBN 13: 9780252087936 
Call No: HX91.C3 A52 2024 
On the Line 
Rethinking labor history 
Artisans into Workers: Labor in Nineteenth-Century America 
Year: 1997 
ISBN: 025206660X 
ISBN 13: 9780252066603 
Series: American Century Series 
Call No: HD8070 .L38 1997 
Only a Miner Studies in Recorded Coal-Mining Songs 
Labor's Troubadour 
Bosses' Union: How Employers Organized to Fight Labor before the New Deal, The 
Edition: First Edition 
Year: 2023 
ISBN: 0252086929 
ISBN 13: 9780252086922 
Series: Working Class in American History 
Call No: HD6508 .H95 2023 
Union Divided: Black Musicians' Fight for Labor Equality 
Edition: First Edition 
Year: 2024 
ISBN: 0252087674 
ISBN 13: 9780252087677 
Series: Music in American Life 
Call No: ML3795 .M524 2023